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You have been slave-shaming yourself, here is why

‘Slave-shaming’ is indeed not the right approach when trying to proliferate entrepreneurship and financial freedom. Coincidentally, just yesterday I posted my entrepreneurial story.

I shared how I struggled personally, financially, emotionally, spiritually and professionally.

How after 10 years I was able to finally quit my 9-5 corporate job and become a full-time entrepreneur in 2014.

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My 9-5 paid me $85K per year, 4 weeks vacation, stock options in the company and all the bells and whistles. However, I was unhappy. I felt ‘enslaved’.

Seeking my freedom from slavery

I sought freedom in my own way. Which ended up being the best feeling and most liberating achievement of my life.

At the end of the day, my ‘journey’ was mine to travel. My evolutionary ‘path’ was mine to traverse. Even someone as close to me as my own siblings cannot ‘relate’ to it, endure it or embrace it. Because they are not ‘me’. And I am not ‘them’.

Similarly, what feels ‘slavery’ to a 9-5 person, may not be to someone like my brother who enjoys his Engineering consultancy 9-5 corporate job.

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His set of ideals, emotional resonance, mental substance and intellectual capacity is different to me.

His worldview and his ‘perception’ of the ‘self’ is different to mine.

We’re all on this planet for a short period of time. We all have countless things to figure out, put in motion, accomplish, and make peace with.

Ali Ashraf

To me 9-5 will always be the worst kind of slavery. The stress, hassle, accountability, sense of fulfillment, peace, happiness VS the rewards/dividends/comfort were not keeping me happy there.

And even though running a business on a global scale and ‘dominating’ consistently is not an easy venture, but it is one where the stress, hassle, accountability, sense of fulfillment, peace, happiness VS the rewards/dividends/comfort makes sense to me. I am at peace with it 🙂

Freedom from slavery Credit:

Can you spot the difference?

That is the difference.

That is the difference we must all seek to unravel. Some people will find peace in 9-5. Some won’t. Some will learn to bridge from one to the other overtime (as I did when I quit my 9-5 in 2014).

And thats’ okay. Whatever means, medium, mode, manner or evolutionary path you take, its okay. Because its ‘yours’. And we’re all unique and different in our own way. We all have a purpose on this planet.

The aim is to be relieved from ‘slavery’

Having said that, yes my 10 years in 9-5 within the Logistics/Supply Chain industry taught me alot.

It polished me as a professional, gave me the tough skin I needed, provided me the temperament, patience, foresight and ‘relationship’ management skills I desperately lacked.

All those traits eventually helped me become a successful entrepreneur.

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Knowledge, of any kind, is power! Use it wisely, and don’t shame others who are on their own path of discovering it, transitioning from it, or bridging towards something else.

That’s the bottom line. Let’s encourage eachother to be the ‘best’ version of ourselves, instead of what ‘we’ believe they should be.

Cheers. by Ali Ashraf, CEO Acepreneur Media (

Ali Ashraf is a globally renowned Entrepreneur, Copywriting Specialist, Persuasive Communications and Web Content Creation Expert with over 16 years of progressively combined and internationally proven industry experience.

Extra read: How to master critical thinking by using professional Gamer strategy

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