One million dollar lesson you can only get from gamers

Gamers are certainly the most underrated yet probably the most populous embarrassment of resources yet untapped to ever grace planet earth.
We look forward to scientists and researchers for worldly solutions and inventions but look down on gamers like a bunch of you-don’t-know-what-to-do-with-your-life. At any attempt, we look down upon them and tag them as less privileged intellectually, chief time waster. But, I hate to burst your bubbles, they are not.
Truth about gamers
While they might have engrossed themselves in creating their own world full of imaginable good monsters (after dealing with the bad monsters) and chasing some targets. They are humans too, with feelings and even higher energy to create a better world for all of us. They have the urge, the drive to take up challenges and deal with them like the problems never existed in the first place.
Have you read
How to Boss others by using simple gaming techniques?
In my many years of playing games and still at it, I have unearthed a lesson worth a million dollars. But as padi, I would give you for free. But first, promise me you would only share it with someone who is willing to learn.
So taken, did you know that we do die as humans, yeah I mean there would be a moment that we would cease to breathe and we would be clinically dead. Uhn…. do gamers have such powers? Definitely NO, but they do have something far greater.
A famous quote from Leo Tolstoy
… goes that “if we kept in our mind that we will soon inevitably die, our lives would be completely different. If a person knows that he will die in half an hour, he certainly will not bother doing trivial, stupid or especially bad things during this half-hour. Perhaps you have half a century before you die- what makes this any different from a half-hour?”
This is a major principle guiding every gamers’ life. We know there are lots and lots of challenges that want to keep us out, that want to kill us or sap our life. It could be that we are racing against time, fierce competitors, fighting monsters with limited health, etc. We live our lives giving it our all- our best. We know that being good is not enough.
If you can hold on to this principle tightly, make every thought and action count. What is worth doing at all they say is worth doing well. Take charge and live a gameful life.