This post explains everything you need to know about life ‘hacks’ content, derived from game players from continuous research.
We all want to find that “one weird hack” to build 20 pounds of muscle. Or make any girl want you. Or earn $20k of passive income. We all want a magic bullet.
You definitely want to be more productive. I mean why would you open this article in the first instance? How awesome would it be to sleep at night having completed all your to-do’s?
Unfortunately, the unplanned happens and distractions get in the way. You could barely complete 45% off your checklist.
I’m guilty of starting out my day with good intentions and then falling shot to the pings of my WhatsApp and the bright lights of my game. I took it upon myself to investigate why the game really matters more than anything to me.
I wanted to stop the madness and slowly started implementing these hacks one by one…and it actually worked.
These hacks are from sleepless days and nights of playing games. You should try applying these gradually and systematically, it would become part of you. You would be amazed to know that all these hacks come from playing games. I developed a system to understand why games are addictive. In fact, there are chances you still find time to play games. You know what? Find more time to play games.
Let me tell you a little story
Have you ever seen your age mate achieve success faster than you? Do you have friends that you do not think what they are doing would scale to becoming a huge success in the future? but then you found that you are wrong.
I have three friends who installed a game (Football manager) on their PCs, we were just about going on holiday.
It was the last day at school. The mission is to complete as many seasons as possible from home and then converge when school resumes to determine who is the most successful.
My roommate did not wait to get home, he started out with the game that same day and left the school the following morning.
Fast Forward to when school resumed, three of them converged to claim superiority. None of them could match my roommate’s achievement, he had a target of completing three seasons per week, while the second guy had the target of completing 2 seasons per week.
For the third guy, he completed three seasons per week too. Guess the result, my roommate topped them all. They were all consistent but standing out was made easy.
Hack 1: Know your targets
The trio of them excelled at one thing, they all had a clear target. Aside from the fact that they want to be the winner at the challenge, they had a roadmap to success. They had weekly targets that must be accomplished towards reaching their target.
You need to know what your big goal is. Do you want to be a singer, writer, poet, dancer, astrologist, athlete? You need to have that written boldly somewhere in your heart and your room.. Now create a road map, in weekly and daily targets towards achieving your aim.
Remember, it is better to run slowly and consistently towards your known destination than speeding on a track leading to an unknown destination.
The secret of starting early
The lesson to be derived from these three-game players is that, while we have two players standing neck in neck on their targets, one of them started earlier.
Applying this to your life is no brainer, you have to get started now, start NOW! Starting now implies getting the tools, setting the condition, your pace, and gathering your resources. Then you should start now.
Remember, the patient dog eats the fattest bone not the fattest meat
Block the bridges
There would be lots of attention seekers connecting to your mind, the WhatsApp dings, the Facebook pop-ups, and email notifications.
They look important but then ask yourself this question, are they urgent and important to be attended to? If not, sever all the bridges that would bring all these while you focus on reaching your target.
The worst thing you would do is to sever off the bridges. I made a fool out of myself some years back. I found huge difficulty in concentrating because of my game and phone addiction.
So I decided to have seven days off my phone. Seven days without internet and calls. It was a desperate attempt to revamp myself.
Guess what happened. My mum traveled down all the way to come and check on me and I missed two job interviews. Is that worth the sacrifice?
What I have learnt over time from this ‘hack’ is to create time for disturbances. You have to create some time out to let the outside world know that you are alive. Attend to missed updates and do relevant follow-ups.
Interact with the leaderboard
It is important that while you have set your targets, started early, and blocked the unwanted bridges, you have to gauge yourself with some standards.
To understand this trick, take for instance from the three-game players’ story I narrated, if the guy that came last had actually gauged his success with the rest of the squad, he’d have known he is underperforming. He has to put more effort.
Your leaderboard could be in the form of milestones set by you. But there is more fun to it if you have others to hold you accountable for what you do.
That colleague would help you stay focused and notify you when you are lazing around with your target.
Do not play two games at a time
This hack might probably the most important one. I have a little confession. I am still guilty of this.
Though technically it would be crazy, not impossible to play two games at the same time. You are simply trying to wear your brain out.
You would end up losing both games. For instance, I am currently working on my new book, while managing all my social media accounts and in the night I work on the video for my vlog.
The result is that I barely complete any of those.
It’s just a fact that you cannot keep jumping from one idea to another, you would delay the completion of one over the other.
Prioritize and remember the old African adage that says, the man that runs after two rats would end up catching no one
Stay productive and live a gameful life.
How to master critical thinking by using professional Gamer strategy