Why you should be a Monster (Gamer strategy to conquer your fear)

COMM’ON, you should be monster. OK chill!, let me tell you why you should aspire to be the monsterous monster ever liveth. Cool???
Did you know that monsters don’t feel inferior?
They look strong, feel strong, and go strong. They have this bullish ‘I will always win mindset’. Monsters possess unique powers they are never shy of making to use.
So here is one single trick that can unlock and unleash the monster in you.
But when I say Monster, the likes of The Blob, The Rancour, Godzilla or even predator might come to your mind. Is that what you are thinking? Common, those are fictitious characters.
When I say monster, I mean the real deal..
The one with swags and actions. I am going to give you a tested secret right now. You know what you have to know your weapon.
Oh no! don’t misconstrue me again. I do not mean those surreal power, I mean the weapons lucked within you.
Have you read this What it feels like to inhabit a gamer’s body in Nigeria
Look at it this way..
When you are in action and you are expected to gun down a boss- a Frightening one. The most paramount thing you have to understand its use is the sort of skills, guns, and other weapons in your arsenal. Trust me, if you can master the use of your weapon, you should gun it down in no time.
You see, like the fictional boss, challenges in your life would come to take you down. But they are best conquered when you how to use the weapon with you.
Let me be clearer, weapons would come in past experiences, innate skills, connections, and a successful mentor.
Trust me, you learn from the tutelage of mentors, you would amass experience and with the right Network, you are about to release the sleeping Monster in FULL RAGE