Parents, This is For You

Parents go through a lot to raise their children to be strong and dutiful. it turned out that i missed some of those parts.
Parents Listen to my little story
He went down straight and could not get up over the next 10 minutes. I stood straight looking in awe. Beads of sweat decorated my face. I could feel the heat from my leg gradually melting my Flip-flop.
Flashes of different horrorful images played in my mind. What was I thinking? It was never meant to be like this. I love my dear brother so much, I cannot bear to see him in a wheelchair for life. I just do not know what to do.
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Flash Back
We both stayed in the boarding school, we love each other a lot. No one dears bully him and no junior could talk ill about me in my absence except he gets a tongue lash from my younger brother.
Holiday periods were the only time we spent with our parent at home. We watch movies and most of the time buy the DVD’s of movies we would watch at home while coming from school.

One of my friends introduced me to wrestling movies and soon it became the favourite at home especially when Mum and Dad were away.
My favourite was John Cena while his own favourite was Randy Orton, I am not sure I get the spelling correctly, It’s been years since I saw a wrestling movie.
Normally for any human to mimic his hero. We occasionally test out each other’s strengths and skills. I do always come out victorious except for when I will intentionally surrender which is normal.
At any moment when our parents are not around, we engage in this do-not-do-at-home exercise. We really enjoy mimicking our heroes. Sometimes we practice other roles like Shawn Micheal, Batista, JBL, Undertaker, etc. It has been kind of fun and we do really enjoy it.
Worse got to sorry
One wonderful afternoon like that, everywhere was silent and I decided we should test each other’s strength. To be honest, he was really not in the mood, but I went on taunting him.
I lifted him up high and brought out my knee and landed his back on my thigh. The rest is history.
I was really worried, I told him sorry more than the number of times all the WWE and the TNA stars have won belts altogether. He just lay down breathing heavily .
Mummy to the rescue
I made a whole set of promises to him to cheer him up and take revenge, I also promised to buy him stuff that was his favourite.
He just would not move, a cold shiver ran down my spine. I knew he was not pretending because I heard a strange sound when he landed on my lap.

The wildest card that I could pull is to lie that mum is coming, Mummy! Mummy! Mummy! I screamed. He rose up quickly knowing fully well that he’s going to get the beating of his life if he was found on the floor.
To the Parents
While you should allow kids freedom, ensure the freedom is controlled. If you allow them to watch movies, let them know the boundary.
It is not enough to let them know the boundary, let them also see why it is the boundary. If you would allow them to play games, it is pertinent you guard their freedom.
They should be able to choose on their own but (the option) must be among the controlled options.
Games especially, have the potential to unleash the positive monster in your ward. It could make them smarter and better, it could also make them more productive on the flip side, it could unleash the devilish monster in them and create a terrible habit or trait that is toxic to your belief, family or community.
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It is better to worry now than to be sorry, spend more time with your children to help them watch healthy movies and play healthy games.
In that lies the haven of teaching your wards and yourself to live a gameful life.
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