Ah, New Year’s resolutions! That time of year when we pledge to read more books, start a podcast, launch a YouTube channel, work on personal development, and quit those pesky habits (looking at you, late-night snacking).My grand ideas only
Who would have thought that turning education into a game could actually make it enjoyable? Well, gamification has done just that and more.
By introducing game elements into educational settings, students are more engaged and
Gamification, the use of game elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards in non-game contexts, has become increasingly popular in organizations as a way to engage employees, promote learning, and motivate behavior change.
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Logical flow refers to that aspect of your writing that enables your reader to create an imaginary connection with your thought process and move automatically from one point to another autonomously.
The articulate use of logical
“Generative design is a purposeful approach to design that brings ease to you and helps you create faster, more informed design decisions.”Anonymous
Imagine a magical land that can auto-generate ‘stuff’ that would make life easy by
“The problem is not in creating a befitting 2022 plan for your dream, the problem is not adding up realities of life to your plan”Hamsat Abdurasheed Gamification Expert |Founder livegamefully
You have been trying to
“Buying decisions and influencing such can be pretty hard but then the future of commodity purchase is shifting from maxing out customer’s purse and as well purchasing on the price difference. The underlying causes of such are data and
Success starts at planning, which leads to execution. Kaizen is the way that leads to the final destination: RESULTS.Victoria Edeme SDGs Advocate|Hubspot Certified Social Media Strategist
Kaizen is a recipe for yourself and business improvement that
“Get your children to do the things they love, rather than impose an action on them or against their will.”Ismail Sogbade (ActivEdge Technologies Limited)
Children may form a worrisome addiction to smartphone usage. No matter
Zombie Dead target is a fantastic game, one of my very favourite games of all time. I found it really awesome, entertaining, and thrilling. The sound effect is enough to blow your mind and the visual effect is top-notch.